Thursday, August 8, 2013

A lovely week in the UK, and on to France

Fred finished great gigs in the UK, covering Edinburgh, Manchester, London, Cheltenham and Bristol, and also spent some days recording a new collection of backing tracks that will also become tutorials for Pro Music Special thanks to saxophonist James Morton, with help from his girlfriend and singer Celestine Walcott Gordon, for playing host and special guest.

The period also gave him a chance in Edinburgh to meet young Resse Steele, whose parents play the JBs and James Brown for him every day and whose first attempts to speak involved repeating the phrase "boom boom bah" every morning. His parents finally figured out he was asking to hear "The Big Payback."

The band also celebrated the 79th birthday of its saxman Ernie Fields Jr. in London, and Fred got to visit with his former mentor and buddy Pee Wee Ellis.

Next stop: France for the Jazz in Marciac Festival, then on to Germany for Saturday night at the Jazzhaus Freiburg and the Jazz and Joy Festival in Worms.

Special thanks to Roger Thomas and Ben Edward for sharing their photos below.

Tia Fuller and Fred
Miriam, Fred, Resse and Andrew

Happy Birthday to Ernie in London
Onstage at Pizza Express Jazz Club in London (photo by Roger Thomas)
Onstage at Pizza Express Jazz Club in London (photo by Roger Thomas)
Keith, James, Bruce, Fred, Justin, Reggie, Peter and Dwayne after recording

Onstage with James Morton in Cheltenham 
Peter Madsen onstage in Bristol (Photo by Ben Edwards)
Bruce Cox onstage in Bristol (Photo by Ben Edwards)
Celestine Walcott Gordon, Pee Wee Ellis, James Morton and Fred


  1. Thanks for signing the CD in Cheltenham for my wife. Sorry I couldn't make the gig.

  2. Nice post, but Sorry I couldn't make the gig.
