The show featured Fred with Pee Wee Ellis, along with guest vocalists Martha High, a longtime member of the James Brown Review, and Fred Ross of California. Also included were three members of Fred's New JBs: Bruce Cox on drums, Gary Winters on trumpet and Barney McAll on keys. Original JBs member Fred Thomas played bass and California-based guitarist Ray Obiedo rounded out the lineup.
Here are photos courtesy of the Schmidt family, friends of Fred's Funky Family friend Heinrich Buttler:
Fred Wesley, Fred Ross, Pee Wee Ellis |
Martha High |
Here's a shot by Funky Family Friend and photographer Greg Aiello:
Fred Wesley, Pee Wee Ellis |
Finally, photos by our cousin, Song "Byrd" Williamson:
Fred Ross, Fred Wesley, Pee Wee Ellis, Gary Winters, and special soundcheck guest Bill Bragin of Lincoln Center |
Gary and Song |
Pee Wee, Gary and Fred |
Funky Fred's silver sneaks from Serbia |
Ray Obiedo, Bruce Cox, Fred Ross, Barney McAll |
Fred Ross, Pee Wee, Gary |
Funky Fred's longtime friend Joshi Armstead, an original Ikette |
Fred and Joshi |
Fred with dancer proteges of original Soul Train dancer Tyrone Proctor |
Original JB Fred Thomas |
Happy Birthday Mr. Wesley!!!
ReplyDeleteAll the best wishes for you.
Lobi (12/12 funk)